EIPS Launches new Blog: tawâw, miyoonakishkatoohk, welcome!

EIPS Launches new Blog: tawâw, miyoonakishkatoohk, welcome!

EIPS Launches new Blog: tawâw, miyoonakishkatoohk, welcome!
The Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) First Nations, Métis and Inuit education team has launched a new blog entitled, tawâw, miyoonakishkatoohk, welcome! The monthly blog offers readers information and resources about Indigenous education and related events taking place throughout the Division. 

During the recent parent engagement sessions, families of both Indigenous students and those who attended the general foundational knowledge series said they wanted more information about the projects, activities and initiatives happening at schools across EIPS. So, the Division delivered and created tawâw, miyoonakishkatoohk, welcome! Make sure to visit the blog often for the latest news and information about what’s happening throughout the Division.