Allergy Information

Pine Street is committed to creating an allergy-safe and aware environment. In our school, there are students and staff with severe allergies. Children with allergies and their parents will take initial responsibility to avoid exposure to allergens. Vigorous hand washing with soap and water after eating or being in contact with food is a measure which all of us can take. This is the simplest and most effective method to protect people with allergies. 

While there are many foods which can cause allergies, peanuts and nut products are a common an potent cause of food allergies.  Labelling regarding peanuts/nuts is generally very clear. However, as the children with allergies need to learn to protect themselves, we too play a role in being "allergy aware".  Please:

  • Check the list of ingredients on items that you send to school.
  • Avoid sending products that contain or "may contain" peanuts/nuts to school.
  • Avoid sending Wowbutter and other "imitation peanut butters" to school.
  • Teach your children to understand this serious situation and encourage them to support their classmates.

Thank you for your support in keeping everyone healthy and safe!